< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Not creative...
7:53 p.m. 2004-07-10

So, I'm thinking about changing my layout. There are a couple that I like but can't decide. I won't dare trying one of my own because I don't know any html. Shit, my personal site still isn't done cause I suck at design. Oh well, I like this one but I've grown tired of it.

Mom and dad left today. Mom asked if I wanted to keep Lexie. I honestly would have but with the possible surgery and possibility of being deployed I didn't think it was fair to keep her and make them drive back down when something happens.

Haven't heard from M in over a week. Seem's it fizzled just as quickly as it got started. Why is that? I didn't smother him like I have done in the past. Nor did I ignore him. Granted my parents were here and I didn't call hm until Monday but shit I saw him on Friday when they got here. Oh well, not gonna sweat it.

C and I went to the movies this afternoon and saw Shrek 2. It was good but I was having a hard time getting in to it. He's playing a concert tonight but doesn't want me to go, only because it's more of an audition than anything. He's gonna call me later when he's done and we might go grab coffee or something. We'll see.

I've finally started writing again, well just poetry. I don't think it's any good but I'm always my worst critic. Maybe I'll post some but more than likely not. Not ready for anyone to read it.

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