< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Thankfully it's over
9:42 a.m. 2004-06-28

Thank god the weekend is over. I know what an odd thing to say, right? But I am seriously glad its over. I had reserve duty this weekend and physical training kicked my ass. I'm so sore today. Got a lot done at drill but not much around the house. I have till Friday to get the house cleaned up before my parents get here. Speaking of my parents. They are going to be here for a week or so and are bring Ms. Lexie . I am trying to get someone to dog sit for me so we can go to Deals Gap next weekend.

Anyway back to Reserve Weekend. They are hounding me now to go to PLDC (Primary Leadership Development Course) because I am in the cut off zone to make E-6. I haven't been doing PT because of my health issues and now have no choice. I have to get back in shape. Luckily, one of my friends has offered to start running with me in the evenings to help me get back in shape.

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