< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
10:55 a.m. 2004-05-11


What is it with people lately? I have been lurking alot on several messages boards lately because everyone seems soooo uptight. People getting pissy over stupid shit that they used to laugh about. I understand that people change but it's starting to get ridiculous. I've stopped posting for the most part and really going on the boards at all.

Oh yeah, I went to that modeling/talent agency and met with the owner. She offered me not one but TWO jobs. Don't have all the specific's yet on the second one but I was soooo excited. I keep hoping for my luck to change and maybe it will soon. Who knows.

Went to Jennings with a friend of mine on Sunday. Had a good time even though he had major issues with his bike. I did learn how to rebuild an engine from the base gasket up as well as how to re-jet and re-shim the carbs. hehehe I'm such a dork but it was fun. Gives me more confidence to work on my bikes. :D

Found out last night that my friend Jack In The Box won't be coming with CBR Rider1 next weekend. He say's he doesn't have the money and it's his dad's birthday, blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm bummed but what can you do. Guess this means I'll have to go see him instead.

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