< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Thank God it's FRIDAY!!!
10:29 a.m. 2004-04-16

Thank God it's FRIDAY!!!

Ah, the weekend. I'm so glad it's here. Granted this was a short work week for me (had monday off for Easter) but it's been a crazy one. Even though the weekend is here doesn't mean I won't be busy. I have to pick up the bike tomorrow, then take it to a buddies house to Safety wire it for my track day on the 26th. I'm going to wait to do the rest of it next weekend because I want to ride a bit with the new tires. Need to get a feel for them before I hit the track.

Been going to physical therapy/chiropractor for my back. He decided to put a 1/4" lift in my left shoe. WOW, when I stood up I felt like I was falling to the right. Now that I've gotten used to it, it's not so bad. Next up, ortho specialist to see about getting my carpal tunnel/broken hand fixed. Depending on the damage and the estimated damage I'm gonna see about waiting until this fall to do surgery on it. I know that's what is going to end up happening cause of how quickly I lose feeling in it. My boss yelled at me yesterday for not getting a natural keyboard sooner. He told me I'd better have one on order by the end of the day Friday. So far, I've lost 6lbs between going to the gym and taking Xenidrian NRG. I'm liking the weight loss pills. They don't make me gittery like some of the other one's I've taken. Hopefully I can finally lose the last 25 to 30lbs and get back to a normal weight. Not that I'm fat or look fat but I don't like where I am.

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