< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
I'm a slacker
11:34 p.m. 2004-04-06

I'm a slacker

I know I know, I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. Not because I haven't thought about it but because there really isn't much to talk about.

Went up to a place called Deal's Gap (aka The Dragon) in the North Carolina/Tenn. mountains for the weekend. Actually it was pretty symbolic. I had a pretty nasty wreck up there a year ago April 18. Cracked to vert's in my back and broke my right hand. The guys I ride with have been trying to get me to go back but I was to scared. Well, I decided it was time to face my fears and go. And I am soooooooooooo glad I did. Had an amazing weekend and no incidents really to speak of. And I can now claim that I "tamed that fuggin dragon".

Been working on a short story/fantasy but not sure that I am ready to let anyone read it. It's something new for me but I used to write poetry alot and forgot how much I enjoyed it. Well see how it turns out and maybe I'll put it here. Don't know where else I can do it.

By the way....I really hate men rigth now. Ok, maybe not all men but one in particular. I expected better out of him and he's let me down. Not that it matters to him.

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