< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Texas Update
3:41 p.m. 2004-03-04

Texas Update

I figured since we are just chillin out today cause of the rain I should do an update. Got in about 10 minutes later than I was supposed to on Tuesday night cause when I got to Atlanta, they didn't have a plane for the second leg. There was one coming in at 8:05 that they were going to use (we were supposed to take off at 8:20) but it would have put us in the air at almost 9. So they brought a plane over from one of the hangers and we took off at about 8:30. Haven't done a whole lot since I've been here, mostly just chill at the house cause it's raining. Maybe tomorrow I'll get out and see some of the sights. From the sounds of it we will be doing a "6th street Bar crawl" in Austin on Saturday night. It should be fun.

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