< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Just another manic monday
4:22 p.m. 2004-02-16

Just another manic monday

Lets see, where to start. Oh, been trading emails with my Chief at my old you unit. She's starting to be a dick now. He recommended to LTC Dannith that he not sign my transfer paperwork until AFTER Septembers annual training cause they are hurting for staff memebers. WTF, they didn't seem to want to help me to much so why should I help them. Time is running out. I have to wait until the end of the month to talk to my gaining unit and see what they want to do. I may end up getting out on the 12th and then reenlisting through the unit down here.

I was in a funky mood on Saturday night, being that it was Valentines Day and I have no Valentine. So, I was looking through old threads on CF and giving some of the sex threads the old BUMP. Bringing them back to the top. I got busted out for it, but damn it I was bored and it was funny. SUE ME!! Anyway, the threads were about anal sex, pubic preference, favorite positions, ect. I was kinda dared to do it by a friend and pretty much everyone knows that I don't back down from a dare.

Oh yeah, I'll be in Texas in 15 days!!!

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