< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Counting Down
8:34 a.m. 2004-02-12

Counting down

T minus 19 days till I fly to Texas. Man I can't wait. I have been out there to see my friends in a couple in over 2 years. Why, last year I had no money cause of my accident and moving and Sharon and I were trying to deal with the fall out from the last time I went to visit. Her and her boyfriend decided to play bullshit highschool games and I got tired of it. Needless to say it's been difficult getting our friendship back.

Been talking to Specalist Ensly pretty much everyday since Sunday. There are times when we talk that it's very apparent how old he is (21 the end of march). He's very nice but not sure what will come of it.

I'm getting ready to re-enlist in the Reserves. Can't pass up the $5000 bonus to do it. Plus, I got the slot in the Instructor unit so it's all good. Now, I just need to get my current unit off their collective asses and do my paperwork. :(

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