< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
A break from the weekend.
8:29 a.m. 2004-02-09

A break from the weekend

HAHAHAHAHA...What a crazy weekend. I went to Asheville, NC to work for a Combat Engineering Unit (Army Reserve's) because they don't have a petroleum supply specialist and needed some help. Lots of hard work in the freezing cold but it was fun. I meet some really cool people and had an interesting verbal exchange with a lower enlisted soldier that resulted in me giving him my phone number because I wouldn't tell him what I was thinking while on duty hours. Here's what happened. We were in the motor pool and I was looking up part numbers for a truck. As he was walking out I told him he had a snake hanging. (I was refering to his boot lace's mind you). He stops looks down at his boot and as he's tucking the lace in makes some comment about have a snake that is seven inches long and something else (didn't quite catch the last part). My mind immediately goes to the gutter but since 1) I out rank him and 2) I was only 1 of 2 females there (it's an all male unit cause it's a combat unit) I just told him to "Move out Specialist". He stoped at the door and kinda looked at me and I just said "bye specialist" and then proceeded to turn beat red. The other Seargent that was sitting there started laughing and wanted to know what I was thinking. All I would tell him is that what I was thinking could get me into trouble and left it at that. What was going through my mind? Well, first it was "prove it", second depending on how he answered that would have been either "lets go" or "bring it". What can I say, I was in a mood and it would have ended up getting worse with me getting in trouble with the Motor Seargent. But he did call me last night and we talked for a couple hours and he called me this morning to tell me to have a good day. He's definitely cute but a little young. He'll be 21 the end of March.

I'm also getting ready for a trip to Texas. Actually, Austin to visit some CF peeps. It should prove to be an interesting trip. Insert sly grin here. :)

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