< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Winter Blah's
10:35 a.m. 2004-01-29

Winter Blah's

What is it with people? Almost every message board I frequent there is some termoil going on. Is it because of the winter or what. I never understood it even when I lived in Michigan. There's always something to do even if it's not your first choice.

T minus 2 days until I move. Am I ready, no. Have I packed anything, nope. Do I have help, yeah. It shouldn't be to bad. I'll spend tonight packing up what I can and tomorrow nigh (hopefully) moving some stuff. That way come Saturday it won't be so bad. I've got almost 10 people helping me. WOW that's alot. But it's all good.

JC came over Sunday night and hung out for a bit. We watched a movie. I realized, he's a great guy but not my type. No worries though, I'll still hang out with him.

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