< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Back on track
5:51 a.m. 2004-01-22

Back on track

It appears to be that I am back on track for happiness. I guess everyone needs to go a little nuts every once in awhile. And I guess my 30th birthday and NYE was that time for me. Definitely cutting back on drinking (have had 1 beer since the 3rd) and I think I've found me a permanent "boy toy". But time will tell. It's not that I think sex is a bad thing or in that case messing around in general but I lead a pretty sheltered life growing up and it's just hard for me to let go sometimes. It's not like I was sleeping with a different guy every night it's just that I was jumping in bed with whoever was giving me attention at the time. :(

I've been asked by an Army Recruiter friend of mine to volunteer to go to Kuwait City with a local reserve unit. What does that mean, final desination the "the sand box". Part of me wants to, part of me doesn't. My parents would freak and so would several of my friends. It would be good for me because I wouldn't have to pay taxes and I'd get hazardous duty pay. I'd put my stuff in storage and have extra money to get my bills caught up and paid off. The biggest reason I don't want to is because I'm afraid of not making it back. The job I do is a high risk job and the likely hood of encoutering danger is very high (well it's like that all over). I do have an interview on Saturday with a Drill Instructor Unit here. That could be a fun job. Never thought I'd be a DI but it's a job and it's extra money coming in, something I need desperately now.

I'm moving again. Leslie and Alan have asked me to move into the Walnut St. house. The rent is about $75 dollars cheaper, utilites will be cheaper (better insulated) but it's a little smaller. I'm honestly doing it to help them out. I'll end up losing my $350 security deposit by breaking my lease early but I don't care.

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