< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
What a dumb ass
5:46 p.m. 2004-01-18

What a dumb ass

OMG...I need serious help. WTF am I doing? I meet up with JC last night for dinner. We ended up going to Coyote Joe's and hanging out. Needless to say, I ended up sleeping with him. I don't understand what is going on with me. I've never been this wreckless before in my life. All of a sudden, I'm doing things I never thought I would do. Having one night stands, getting so drunk I don't remember shit. It's not good and more importantly it's not me. I don't understand why I am doing these things. I'm slowly self destructing...maybe the feelings I was having before NYE was the calm before the storm.

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