< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
The dawning of a New Year
11:58 a.m. 2004-01-05

The dawning of a New Year

Ouch...make the world stop. I am nursing back to back hang overs from New Years Eve and then my 30th Birthday on Saturday. Holly Hell. Never again will I drink that much alcohol in the short of a time frame. I was soooo drunk on Saturday night that they kicked me outta the bar BEFORE midnight. Ugh. I'm mad that I didn't get to ride awhole lot yesterday. It was 72 and sunny and I couldn't walk more than 5 feet with out feeling sick.

So, I've been talking to this guy for a few weeks on yahoo and have hung out with him once. He's pretty cool but extremely busy. I'm a little leary of getting involved with him because of his job. Unfortunately, I can't go into specifics but needless to say, he's one smart guy. Makes ton's of money but doesn't really have time for a personal life.

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