< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Ending of an Era and the Turning of a page
2:24 p.m. 2004-01-01

Ending of an Era and the turning of a page

Well, 2003 is finally over. I couldn't be happier. It's been a tough year. But there's no use in looking to the past other than to make sure you aren't making the same mistakes over again. I have learned I can't dwell on the past I need to focus on the future and live my life to the fullest.

Let's get this party started.

Bandboy and I aren't together anymore. I don't know what happened. Nor do I care. I'll miss talking to him but I'll find someone new.

I spent New Years Eve with a bunch of acquaintance's at a bar. One of them has been interested in me for awhile and I've kinda liked him as well. But after what he did last night I know that we could never be together. I asked him to go with me and he proceed's to kiss another girl right in front of me. Now mind you this wasn't just a quick kiss, it was full tongue action. I couldn't believe it. I left with one of the other guys that was there and had him bring me home. I have to talk to E today and explain why I'm mad at him but that's no big deal. Not something I haven't done before.

I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that 2004 is a better year than the last.

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