< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Rainy days and sleepless nights
8:06 a.m. 2003-09-04

Rainy days and sleepless nights

I spent better part of the night last night surfing Ebay looking for parts for my friends bike. Since I was riding it when it got wrecked I have to pay to fix it. No big deal, just another thing to add to the list of crap I'm dealing with. I had to sell my motorcycle trailer because I needed the money. It's not that bad, I can go get another one when I get back on my feet. I really need the cash right now.

I also spent the majority of the night thinking about Vic. Remembering all the fun things we did together. I can't believe that after almost a year and a half, I still miss him this much. I'm still so angry with him for taking the "cowards" way out and not coming to me for help. Maybe I could have helped him work through what ever had him so depressed that he felt the only way out was suicide. His birthday is in 22 days and he would have been 36. I miss him.

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