< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
9:46 p.m. 2003-08-22


I'm slowly making this more my own. I'm not that good with HTML so I've been playing with the template in MS FrontPage and any changes that work I copy them over to the template here. So far so good.

I decided that since I've been missing my baby, I would add her picture here to look at. I haven't seen her since I left Michigan in March. It sucks. She's growing up with out me and learning all kinds of cool tricks. Hopefully soon I'll be able to bring her down here. Gotta get a place of my own first.

I'm actually really tired tonight. I couldn't fall asleep last night until almost 1AM. I couldn't get my mind to shut off. I wish there was a switch or something to flip.

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