< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
12 Step's and Road Trips
10:10 p.m. 2003-08-21

12 Step's and Road Trips
Went to see the councilor tonight and found out that they have these 12 Step Emotional Programs. Kinda like AA but for people who's emotions are getting the best of them. So, I'm supposed to call one tomorrow and find out when they meet. I'll check it out, what can it hurt. The guy I talked to tonight seems pretty nice. I was rambling, as I usually do and he was having a hard time keeping track. I just needed to talk and get stuff out. Going back to see him next Thursday.

Went to CVS to get one of my scripts filled and my friend Boomer called. Seems he was out wedding present shoping for ZXRob and KLRChick's wedding and couldn't find the stereo they wanted anywhere. Asked me to go to Target here for him since it's the only one he hadn't checked. So being the nice girl that I am I went and picked it up for him. What was only supposed to be 45 minute outting turned into 1.5 hours and I missed dinner. Oh well, wouldn't be the first time I go to bed with out eating. I'm to lazy to heat anything up.

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