< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Long over due
7:31 p.m. 2004-12-08

WOW...it's been awhile since I did a personal journal update. I'm so busy with work and what not I barely have time to keep up with my deployment one let alone this one.

So things with my personal life seem to be going alright. I've been talking to the guy that worked at GD with me but never meet while we were both there. He's been here to visit once and is supposed to be coming back down next weekend. Then I'm going up there to see him New Years weekend. We are talking it slow which is nice compared to the way things went with George. It was a whirl wind and I'm better for it but in the end as I've said before I couldn't trust him.

Speaking of, I finally confronted him with all his lies. Of course it was all my fault but oh well. I just hope his new "flavor of the month" wakes up before it's too late. He doesn't want to settle down just wants to play games. Anyway.

K dropped off the face of the earth. No reason, just gone. Oh well. His loss. I really don't want to get involved with someone who is getting deployed. Long distance relationships are hard. Even between here and Charlotte. But atleast D seems interested in seeing where this goes.

D and I talk alot. He's a great guy and we enjoy each others company. There's little to no stress and definately NO drama. He swears he's going to get me skydiving. Yeah right.

I crashed at the track on the 8th of Nov. I cracked a rib in my back. Totaled the bike and am trying to sell it.

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