< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
The George update
11:29 p.m. 2004-10-16

Long over due personal update. George and I are no more. I decided with everything going on that it was better that we just be friends. I don't trust him and that's not a good way to be in a relationship. Besides I don't see it lasting if we tried to stay in a relationship. I'd rather walk away now than get hurt really bad later.

I've been talking to a couple different people but nothing to serious. Well I take that back. There is a guy I meet from Fayetteville who knows George. They are in the same bike club. He's 20 and wants to go out with me pretty bad. I don't think I want to get involved with him simple because if I go with him to any of the parties I'll see George and he doesn't know that K and I are talking.

Then there is another guy that works at GD. Didn't meet him while I was still there but we actually worked in the same building. He worked out back in one of the labs. He's pretty cool and I'm interested to see where this goes. I'm not holding my breath but it's nice to just be talking and kind of dating again.

If you haven't checked it out I put up another journal dealing with my deployment and the day to day life here. It's called deployment. Check it out.

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