< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
My oh My
12:04 a.m. 2004-07-20

Another marathon phone call just ended. 2 + hours talking to a guy that lives some 2 hours away. He's got me really freaked out but not in a bad way. We have SO MUCH in common that it's not even funny. I know I've said it before but this, this shit is erie and has got me really freaked out. I've got butter fly's in my stomach, can't sleep, don't want to eat. He's talking about OUR future. He even told me how I feel and wouldn't let up until I admitted it. He totally understands about Vic. He thinks it's cute (for lack of a better word) that I am still in love with a man that cut me to the core. That even though he's gone I still love him. I didn't sleep last night and it's currently 12:09 and I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight. I don't want to give up control just yet. I don't want to admit what I am feeling is true. I'm so afraid that I'm going to fall hard for this guy and then something is going to happen to take him away from me. He's in the military too, so there is a very real posibility. Tuesday is his birthday...I'm thinking about suprising him.

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