< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Friday nights are mad to party
12:54 p.m. 2004-07-17

Man what a night. Went to Coyote Joe's with JT from work and had a blast. He proceeded to kick my ass at pool. It's alright though. He was teaching me to play a little cause I really suck at it. He let me drive his car back to my place and it's a sweet ass car. We stopped at the Waffle House to get some food and while we were eating a fight broke out and they called the cops. There was blood all over the floor, it was rather disgusting. We can back here and bullshitted for awhile. I ended up giving him a neck rub cause it was bothering him. GOD, what I wanted to do to him but didn't. Biggest reason is we work together. But it was soooo tempting. Him sitting on my couch with out a shirt on. Any way, he ended up staying in my spare room cause he was to tired to drive home and I didn't hear him leave this morning. Oh well.

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