< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Friday, Friday, Friday
9:22 a.m. 2004-07-16

Friday Friday Friday....I'm so glad it's finally here.

Let's see, went to the thorasic specialist on Tuesday. He's a retired Air Forces Officer and pretty cool. He talked about our military experiences and he treated me kinda like a grand kid, which was cool. He has the best bed side manner. So anyway, he wants to try this Neural Touch therapy and see if it helps. I'm a little skeptical because on Wednesday my arm hurt sooooo bad. But I'm gonna give it a shot. What have I got to loose?

M keeps blowing me off. We were supposed to get together to run on Wedensday but he called mid-morning and cancelled as well as for today. So, I went and bought a mountain bike and have started riding. HOLY SHIT what a work out. There are a bunch of hills around my house and it's a pretty hard work out.

C had a show last night, I was gonna go but I haven't been sleeping well and was fairly tired. I told him about it and he said that I need a "bed buddy". I just laughed. He couldn't have said it better but I won't admit it to him...not yet. He wanted to hang out tonight but I'm going out with some friends from work to HREF="http://www.coyote-joes.com"> Coyote Joe's for 1-2-3 night ($1 Domestic, $2 Well and everything else is $3). Should be an interesting night. So since we aren't hanging out tonight we will probably hangout on Sunday, maybe catch a movie.

I have some interesting professional news. But I'm not going to get into it to much just yet. Once I know more I'll spill it.

I've started working on my website. Need to get it done so I can get business cards made up. I really want to try and get this photography business off the ground. I have a wedding to shoot in October but nothing else lined up. Gotta get busy.

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