< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
ozone sucks
9:14 p.m. 2004-06-24

I'm so glad the weekend is almost here. Yesterday afternoon we had a high level ozone leak. It was bad enough to evacuate the whole building (office and production). Normally they only evacuate production. One of the ladies that works in Shipping had to go to the ER since she got hit in the face with the ozone when the leak happend. From what I hear, a 4" hose broke and the ozone levels in the production area reach 14ppm (parts per million). Which is WAY about safe levels. The alarm is set to go off if they reach .10ppm.

It's been raining pretty much every night this week. I'm glad. I like the rain and it helps me sleep.

Physical Therapy is going well. I have a follow up on the 8th to see if it's helping.

Mom and dad are coming for a visit and bringing Lexie and the bike. I can't wait. They are leaving Michigan on Thursday evening and will drive down. Not sure how long they will be here but I don't care. I'm just glad they are coming.

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