< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
9:54 a.m. 2004-05-25


I've been trying to figure out what to do. Leslie is losing it. Well, I'm sure she's been like this all along but since Alan decided he couldn't deal with her anymore, it's gotten worse.

Let me back up a bit.

When I was living with them Leslie got upset with me because all I wanted to do was be alone. you can read about our fight Here. Come to find out it wasn't all me like she had me believing. Both Alan and Kerry finally admit it. does that make me feel better? No, because they wouldn't listen to me when it was happening. They only listened to and believed her. But atleast they realize now that it wasn't all me. We are all slowly growing tired of her spoild brat routine. If she's not getting her way, she gets pissed and has a fit, literally. She blew up at me on Saturday in from for Chris because I didn't tell her about the ride to SV and she felt like I told everyone to not go with her. Yes, we had talked about taking her up to the Blue Ridge Parkway to ride her bike soon, well to her soon was last weekend. We tried to explain that this wasn't a ride for her to just jump right into but she didn't hear that, she heard we didn't want her riding. She also change what I said about riding with her last weekend into, I wouldn't ride with her period. She had me so upset I started crying. She has no clue just how bad she is hurting those that care about her. I'm almost at my wits end. I'm seriously about to tell her to get the rest of her stuff out of my house, give me back my DVD's and other movies, as well as her key and leave me alone. I can't deal with it. To top all that off our ride this weekend was a bust and I felt like I was being blamed because I invited some guys from CF. It's not my fault. I don't even know how to explain what was going on. All I know is that I'm still a little pissed at Jeff. It got so bad that I ended up with a migrain and thinking that maybe life isn't for me. I know, I know. That's stupid talk but I swear, I can't take much more of this. I just don't know what to do. When I get that stressed out it just seems like the easist thing to do. I've messed up a few things in my life. Some pretty bad that I can't go back and fix, lord know's I would love to if I could but I can't.

As much as I want to sit down and talk to her and tell her what she is doing it won't help. She will just twist it around to me being the bad guy and I don't know if it's worth it. I feel like I'm going to have a break down.

Make it stop, please.

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