< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Back from the doctor
3:52 p.m. 2004-05-06

Back from the Doctor

So I went to the ortho specialist today and they took x-ray's of my hand and wrist. Seems that what I thought was bone pushing into the wrist join isn't. That's a good thing. Bad thing is that there is some sort of growth that requires me to go have nerve testing done on my hands. If I remember correctly they did that on my shoulder while trying to decide if I needed surgery for it or not. And if I remember right, it hurt like a BITCH. I can only imagine what it will be like on my hands. :(

I am going tonight to meet Ms. Stone to see about working Speed Street. I have to head over there right after work because she leaves at 6. I tried to get out of here during the day but after spending 3 hours at the ortho doc I just couldn't see leaving again.

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