< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Yeah, I suck
1:50 p.m. 2004-05-05

Yeah, I suck

Yeah, yeah..I know I'd update more Monday night but I just didn't feel like it. Sue me. :D

So we are now one company with a few less people. I'm even busier now than I was before because I have to help my boss get up to speed on the UV side of things. And he's leaving to go on vacation to Europe in a week and a half.

I'm dying to do another track day. It was such a blast and I've had lots of compliments about my form and such. There is one this weekend but I don't really have the money to do it. I wish I did but ya know, other things come first. Plus, a friend of mine wants me to go and be his camera bitch for posterity purpose. Oh well, what can you do. He's payin for the hotel and what not so I really can't say no.

I meet this guy who seemed fairly nice but now he's being rather pushy. I don't do pushy. He's already talking about settling down and what not. Me, I'm like: "we've just met, give me some time to get to know you". I don't always answer when he calls because of it. I know that's probably not cool but I'm in no rush. Not that I like being single but I refuse to settle down right now. Who ever I end up dating has to understand that I need ME time and time to hang with the guys playin on the bikes.

Speaking of all that. I have to call the ortho doctor. It seems that the bone I broke in my hand is pushing down into my wrist and aggrivating my carpal tunnel. You can actually feel the bone in my wrist. Not such a good thing. So I might have to have surgery sooner rather than later like I had hoped. :( Crashing sucks. I don't EVER want to repeat what happened last April. Especially with out medical insurance. It's been a nightmare trying to get it worked out so it's covered. But, we are getting there slowly.

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