< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Just need to rant
10:36 a.m. 2004-04-23

Just need to rant

Ugh, why is it that when things start to look up something always happens to put an end to it. Tuesday morning I woke up with a minor tooth ache. By Wednesday night it was so bad I couldn't eat. So I called my dentist for an emergency appointment on Thursday morning. So, I get to the dentist about 5 minutes before my appointment and because the person in front of me was 30 minutes late I had to wait. Why didn't they make them reschedule. It's not fair to those of us who show up on time. I was pissed and it didn't get any better from there. It seems that I have busted the enamel off of one of my molars from grinding my teeth at night. So now, I have to come up with almost $500 to get it fixed because my insurance will only pay something like 50%. Fuckin-A. I don't have it, and I don't know when I'll get it. So now, I am wearing my bite guard 24/7 except when I eat. And everyone here at work is picking on me about it. WHY CAN'T THEY MIND THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. I've already told two of the engineers off this morning and word is spreading quickly throught the department. Don't mess with Lil_bit, she's not in a good mood. Fucking right I'm not. Fuckers. :(

Monday is my first track day and I'm starting to get a little bit nervous. There are 60 open slot's and only about 25 people signed up. Cut off for registration is today. This is both good and bad. Good because Instructor to Student ratio will be better. Good because they will split up the group (we are all in the beginer group to start) but bad because all the guys I ride with have been talking a LOT of shit about being faster than so and so. They are letting their Ego's get out of control which will lead to someone tossing their bike on the track. I swear that if one of those dumb fucks takes me out I'm gonna be pissed. My plan is to line up in the back of the group as we hit the track. Let them all get out in front of me so I don't have to worry so much about it. I've got nothing to prove to any of them and will keep my wits about me.

I found out last night that one of the local reserve units that I was looking at transferring to has been Activated. I don't know where they are going but I'll be there next weekend helping with what ever I can. I've got duty at my unit it (the one I'm transferring to) this weekend. I guess I got lucky.

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