< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
What to do
9:56 p.m. 2004-03-10

What to do

Well, my reserve unit won't release me. I have to either get out or re-enlist through them and then take the chance that they will release me to the unit here. Or, I can go back full time Active duty. If I stay where I am I will only continue to fall further and further behind financially.

Active Duty Pro's
Financially better (no rent, electric or gas bill)
Station of choice
Getting deployed with people I work with (if that happens)
Defer student loans

Active Duty Con's
Not being able to "call off" when I want
Having someone telling me what to do all the time
Loss my E-5 for now

Reserve Duty Pro's
One weekend a month, 2 weeks in the summer
Keep my E-5
5k Re-up bonus (1k up front then like $600 a year on my anniversary date after that)
10k Student Loan payment

Reserve Duty Con's
Not sure that my unit will release me
Getting deployed with people I don't know or trust
Barely scraping by with my civilian job and reserve pay

What would you do?

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