< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
2:17 p.m. 2004-01-16


Thank god its the weekend. I don't think I could handle another day of work. I spent the entire morning in training, only to get out and find my desk covered with stuff. Training ran over and I haven't had time to go get lunch and it looks like I won't be able to either. I'm not happy about it. Both of my bosses want me to do stuff for them this afternoon but I can't. Only one is going to get my attention and it's gonna have to be UV since I was in training for Ozone all morning.

I was hoping to send a quiet weekend doing nothing but ended up offering to puppy sit for a friend. Well, I went am meet the new puppy last night and she is a total spaz. Looks like they are going to be locked in the kitchen all weekend except to go out side to use the bath room.

I'll write more later...my brain is going a mile a minute right now. :(

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