< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Paranoia at it's finest
8:29 a.m. 2003-12-09

Paranoia at it's finest

SO after obsessing over why I hadn't talked to bandboy very much the last couple of days. He calls last night. We chat for a little bit and he say's he's feeling better. I can hear the congestion when he talks so I now believe that he truely was sick. He asked me if I was tired and I said no and wondered why he would ask a thing like that. He proceedes to tell me that he was thinking about stopping by. YAY!! He came over and we hung out until about 11:30, he couldn't stay the night because of a fight he had with his Uncle (he lives with his Aunt & Uncle). His Uncle is treating him like a kid again because he got busted for street racing and got his car impounded. We talked about his record deal and it sounds like he's gonna do it. I told him that what ever he decides I'm behind him 100%.

Anyway, part of me is still very cautious about all of this. I can't afford to get hurt again. He told me I worry to much. LOL, um yeah, whatever gave you that idea. Insecurities that stem from my childhood. Thanks so my Barrett (father).

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