< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
What the fuck
6:04 p.m. 2003-12-06

What the fuck

Ok, so Bandboy decided to tell me how he feels about me at the Sevendust concert on Thursday. He spent the night and was very affectionate the next morning. Now, I haven't seen him since. He was going to spend the night again last night but he said he was starting to feel shitty again and that he was going to go to the ER. He didn't call me when he got home and I waited until about 2 today to call him. It sounded like I woke him up and he said that he was just gonna stay home and try to get well. Why do I feel like I am being played? Am I being paranoid?

I really like him and we seem to have a lot in common. We were both in the Army, both lost someone really close to us (my ex..his bestfriend/brother). Fuck Fuck Fuck (sorry).

Maybe I'm not ready to "get off the porch and play with the big dogs."

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