< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Boring Monday's
4:34 p.m. 2003-11-03

Boring Monday's

I actually had a decent weekend for once. Friday night stayed at home because I wasn't up for going out on Halloween. Saturday, took the bike for a spin to clear the cobwebs and recharge. What a great day for riding. Sunny and in the low 80's, gotta admit, I was a squid. lol. It felt great to be on the bike again. Its one of the only things I have left that keeps me grounded. Saturday night I went to dinner with a friend and then to Concord Mills and the NASCAR Simulator. It's like a gaint video game. Needless to say I SUCK at racing but it was good fun. Sunday I stayed home again, and did domestic stuff. I also had to work on somethings for work. Sunday night went to JV's house and had a little fun. ;-) What a great way to end a weekend.

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