< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
Weekend Update.
9:57 a.m. 2003-09-22

Weekend Update

What started out to be a bad weekend, ended up pretty good.

Friday afternoon I got a phone call from one of the guys I ride with. He'd wrecked up at Shady Valley and needed someone to come get him. After posting on the board, I decided to leave work early (had my hours in and was looking at some OT). I drove up to SV and got him. He's alright but the bike is pretty bad: Bent rim, rashed plastic, broken front & rear break levers, dent in the tank from where he hit it and bent pipe. I didn't get back to Charlotte until almost 10 when I had to turn around and drive an hour to Hickory to meet up with JH.

Saturday morning we left with some of his friends to go camping. It was a pretty good time even though I felt out of place. His friends are cool and there were a bunch of kids around. All in all it was a good time.

Came home mid afternoon on Sunday and started working on my house. Got my bedroom and the bathroom pretty much done. Still have a lot of unpacking to do though. I'll get to it over the next few days when I'm not working on my bike or over at Leslie's house helping her get ready for Friday night's party.

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