< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
The turning of a page.
8:32 p.m. 2003-09-14

The turning of a page

Well, I've gone and done it. I'm moving out on my own again next weekend. Leslie found a really cute house not to far away and I went to look at it. Ended up putting down a deposit and as soon as I can come up with the money for the rest of this month, I'm moving in. It's nice cause the landlord lives next door and he is willing to leave the electric and gas in his name as long as I pay the bill. Cool, no problem, I can handle that. So the only thing I'll have to get turned on in my name is cable and internet. That will be a couple of weeks. :( Again, no big deal. PLUS, one of the guys I ride with MIGHT move in with me so that would help also. I can afford it on my own but it would be nice to have someone around and it would help him since he drives over an hour to work each way, 6 days a week.

Other news. I haven't talked to JH since I called him Thursday on my way home from work. I called him on Wednesday and said I was sorry for the way I treated him and then I called Thursday to just chat. I'm not going to call him. I said I was sorry and the ball is in his court. I just hope we can still be friends. He's a really great guy.

One of these days I'm going to sit down and write "the story of us" (Vic and I). I know it would help to get it all out. So, I just need to do it. Anyway, that's all for tonight. Gotta get ready for the work week.


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