< But soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be ...
8:26 a.m. 2003-09-12


Wow, it's been a week since I updated this. What's my excuse? Nothing, just being extremely lazy and depressed.

I am in such a hole right now it's not even funny. I had to sell my enclosed trailer to try and get caught up on my bills. It only made a VERY small dent. Only making $600 a month since I moved down here hasn't helped. Now, I'm making just over twice that a month but still struggling. Man I hate life. I got really bad earlier this week, so bad in fact I lashed out at JH and Need and almost lost their friendships. I have no money to go to the doctor and get the medicine I need but I can't afford not to go. I'm at such a loss I just don't know what to do.

I talked to Leslie and Allan last night about Vic a little bit but I wasn't in a good place to listen or even care what they were saying. I just want to crawl into a whole. The biggest thing I am wondering is: When will this pain end?

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